I'm Rosco and I was born on March 4, 2009. My doggie mommy is Bijou and my doggie daddy is Wendell. I was adopted on May 11, 2009 by my new daddy and mommy, Chris and Angi. I have a big brother Ryan and a big sister Brianna that are grown and don't live with us.
I am a French Bulldog. Some people call us clown dogs or frog dogs. Mommy says that when I lay on my back I look like an upside down frog....:) Our bodies are shaped funny like a frog too....big head and a small behind.
Here are the first pictures that my new mommy saw of me that Mrs. Jenifer sent to her. Mommy says that when she saw the very first picture she wanted me. She said that even daddy wanted me when he saw my picture. They wanted to come get me right then, but Mrs. Jenifer was going out of town so they had to wait until Monday. Mommy said she couldn't think of anything else but me all weekend!
When Mommy and Daddy came to Mrs. Jenifer's house, I almost jumped out of Mrs. Jenifer's arms into my new Mommy's arms trying to kiss her!! They loved me so much that they took me home that night! I was scared when we left Mrs. Jenifer's house, but my new Mommy talked to me, hugged me, kissed me and kept telling me she loved me. When I went to sleep that night I cried a little for Mrs. Jenifer, my doggie mommy and daddy and my sister Boulette. I miss them, but Mommy says that she and Mrs. Jenifer are friends and we will have play dates when it's not too hot.
My mommy has gotten me this blog because she loves me. Daddy says it's because mommy is strange and a little off balance. I hear him say crazy alot too. I guess that means fun, because she loves to play with me and we have lots of FUN!